Please review the information below about the junior and senior nationals for 2020. Please share this information with your coaches, athletes and members.

The national junior and senior championships will be held together May 17 – 23, 2020 at Sani Sport in Brossard, Quebec. The Sport Development Committee (SDC) is working with Rino who is organizing the event to determine the schedule and logistics for the event. Additional information including the schedule will be available in early 2020. There are five courts at Sani Sport.

The meeting for the High Performance Summit where discussions on the junior and senior Nationals were going to happen was cancelled due to conflicts with the date. The staff and executive felt that the decision regarding nationals could not be delayed any longer.
Terry Nelson (Chair of the SDC) met with Donna, Gwen and Geri and discussed having the joint tournament as a pilot for 2020. Taking into consideration the decline in the numbers for both national events, it was felt that a good way to proceed for 2020 was to pilot a combination event so we can learn from it and move forward from there. This was put forward to SDC and the committee agreed with the pilot for 2020.
Please note that at this time this is not a permanent change, but a pilot project for 2020 only. Following the 2020 event a review will be done and then decisions will be made on how to proceed with nationals after that.
Please let Terry Nelson, Geri Powell or myself know if you have any questions.

Kind regards,

Donna Harris

Executive Director
Racquetball Canada